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1962 Harmony Sovereign H1260 X-brace conversion (440)

Price $850

Free Shipping

No case. However, my shipping/packing technology are second to none. Have not had a damaged guitar yet.

Tone quality and harmonic response are excellent. This guitar offers nice play feel and perfect intonation. Action is 4/64 at the 12th fret. I predict you will put all other guitars aside and play this one. Check my feedback and you will know.

Neck was reset.

Back was removed, ladder bracing on top was removed, new X-bracing installed.

Back bracing is original, but rounded and sanded smooth.

As usual, satisfaction is guaranteed. Returns allowed per my warranty.

Please note - This guitar is completely refinished except for the neck. I can’t brag about the finish. Top has two coats. Back and sides have six coats. You can polish as you think appropriate.

New Parts

Original Parts


Please note: many sellers do not accept returns. I do. I am dedicated to customer satisfaction. This is a great guitar you will want to keep and play for years. This is not something I just want to get rid of.

Warranty Statement     Shipping Details

Moonlightluthiers - Have pick will travel.