The following is sourced from my favorite internet lesson page:
Shut Up And PlayDo yourself a big favor and listen to this with a good set of head phones. Sound quality is superb, as are the lessons.
When you tune to an electronic tuner, you are tuned to the tuner. But a guitar must be tuned to itself for best tone. Here is how this works: With harmonic tuning, you compare a fretted tone to a harmonic tone or a harmonic tone to a harmonic tone on a different string. The frequencies should match. If they don’t, you will hear beat frequencies. That is; you will hear a WA-WA-WA sound. Pitches (string frequencies generated by picking) with matching frequencies produce a steady tone - no warble or WA-WA-WA. You can hear the WA-WA-WA slow as the pitches begin to match as you increase string tension. When comparing tones, start with the fretted string pitch below the harmonic pitch and tune up gradually.