Luthier Tool Reviews
Numbers in parenthesis are Stewmac Item Numbers
Binding Router Guide(5248)
Plastic Scraper
Bind All (1976)
Cone Sander for Your Table Saw
Stanley #59 Drill Guide
Stewmac Scraper (0623)
Two Vises
Veritas Circle Cutting Guide
Stewmac Gauged Pull Saws (3606)
Vintage Router: Hitachi TR6
Harmony OEM Tuners: JUNK!
Stewmac Kerfing Clamps (3688)
Stewmac Ultra-slim Inspection Light (10060)
Starbond Accelerator for CA adhesive
Hosco Gauged Slot Cutting Pull Saws
UHMW Film - Glue Proof Clamp Pads and Blocks.
White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane (OK so I am not a great literary reviewer. I had fun writing this.)
Mandolin Tailpiece Junk
Acoustic Nut File Analysis
Dremel Rotary Tool (Model 3000) and Model (4000)
True Channel Binding Router Guide
Saddlemaster Saddle Holding and Adjusting Jig
Noceti Fret Board Radius Guide
Guitar Made To Deceive
Butt Mortise Plane Review